Wednesday, July 4, 2018

SPLC: Actually, St. Augustine Is Hate Group Free

One thing I can say for sure, as a lifelong resident, is that regardless of what some people would like to lead you to believe, St. Augustine is NOT a hateful city.

In fact, even the Southern Poverty Law Center lists St. Augustine as 'Hate Group' FREE! By anyone's standards, we've come a very long way from the horrific images of half a century ago.

For the record, I have absolutely no stake in the monument debate. I'm a third generation American, and neither one of my families were anywhere close to America during the Civil War.

I do however have a stake in the reputation of my hometown. A town that taught me how to love everyone, regardless of their situation. A town that was diverse in cultures, and allowed me to have close friends across all walks of life, and on every side of town.

The narrative that some are trying to push now of a hateful town is disgustingly false, and the organizers of these fake movements know it, which is why their flat out lies have been rejected by our local communities across the board. 

This is the main reason that 'protestors' who may be gathering tonight, will be mainly from out of town.

Some say these movements are losing credibility by 'shipping in' protestors, but that would require credibility to begin with, and people who have lived here, and experienced this unique town for what it truly is have never seen these scare tactics as credible.

There is no support here for fear-mongering groups, because St. Augustine does not support hate, on any side of the isle. That's the simple, honest truth. When some attempt to paint St. Augustine as a hateful city, their efforts are rejected by the very groups of people they hope to influence with their deceptive tactics. The very same people who have proudly lived here for generations, and who know the fabric of this community, and how far we have come in over 50 years, since the civil rights atrocities of the 1960's.

St. Augustine, in all my many years of living here, has always been a city that comes together during tough times. We are a community of people who take pride in being around for each other, with absolutely no thought given to your neighborhood, race, or your political affiliation. We answer the call when our neighbors need us, no matter what.

When this town is faced with issues that would cripple and break other cities, people around here don't scowl at each other in hate, or feed into divisive false rhetoric. People in St. Augustine smile more at each other, we hold doors open longer, and we offer any more support that we possibly can.

We've grown up together, raised each other's children, and share houses of worship. We've held hands, hearts, and plywood for each other in tough times. We will continue to do this, not out of political correctness, or pressure from outside entities, but rather because it's literally all we know.

If you're not from here, you may not understand that.

Now it's not my intention to tell anyone how to express their rights to free speech. I believe that protest, and loud expression of your ideas can sometimes be the only way to get things done. If you truly feel that you are not being treated fairly, by all means you should do your best to make positive change. However if you're going to get loud, I would recommend at least having the facts on your side.

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