Wednesday, July 25, 2018

You Give All COLORED People a Bad Name - Local Campaign Manager Tells Black Man

Not many people realize this, but Michael Gold (Historic City News Editor) manages political campaigns here in St. Augustine. The ethics of a local "News" organization representing candidates has already been challenged in court, and poses a clear conflict of interest.

His facebook page lists him as Jill Pacetti's campaign manager, which would explain all the  puff pieces, and her logos splattered all over his social media accounts.

Obviously if you're managing campaigns, your "news" coverage will be highly slanted. At the very least, HCN has now proven itself to be completely non-credible during election season.

Now I'm not one to throw around accusations, especially serious ones. However this latest accusation is just one of so many over the years. Gold, who barely understands how to conduct himself on social media, had a surprising response to a request to be removed from a mailing list, due to racial insensitivity in Gold's publication.

He also believed it was appropriate to slide the word "niggardly" in his response. While the word means "stingy"  it seems a bit convenient to use it in this conversation, even though no one ever uses that word.

It seems the only person who regularly comes to Gold's defense, happens to be the local "Pastor" Doug Russo, who has publicly proclaimed on numerous occasions that God believes black people should still be slaves, according to the bible, an interpretation that almost no one else on earth believes.

Other accusations over the years have come from local activist Ed Slavin. He has numerous blog entries calling Gold a racist and "exposing" him as a former KKK supporter.

If I were a candidate in this city, I would stay as far away from Michael Gold as possible.

His candidate, Jill Pacetti, has given him THOUSANDS of dollars in exchange for positive press.

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